Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are We As Healthy As We Think?

Our body’s are amazing creations.  Whether you feel we were placed on this earth intentionally, or that we have evolved over millions of years to become what we are today, it is hard to ignore how intricately the parts of our body work together, and how intelligent our body is in warning us of potential problems.

According to, symptoms are a phenomenon that arises from and accompanies a particular disease or disorder and serves as an indication of it .  With this in mind, it is important to know what our bodies are telling us.  Unfortunately, most of us are not trained in recognizing these symptoms, or do not  realize that our body is even telling us something!

The good news is we want these symptoms!  They give us warning (if we know how to recognize it) in order for us to prevent bigger problems from happening. reports that 33% of those without any prior symptoms of heart disease DIE from their first heart attack. Unfortunately for these heart attack victims, they probably did not  recognize the   warning signs that their body was giving them, and their “first” symptom was death.

As many of you know, many of my patients are women that experience hormonal imbalance in their lives.  When I ask women in my office if they experience: hot flashes, dry skin, weight gain, interrupted sleep, loss of sex drive, vaginal dryness, etc. I am able to categorize these symptoms into certain patterns and give healthy alternative solutions through dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, and quantum neurology rehabilitation in order to help the woman’s body to naturally resolve the presenting symptoms.
Many patients contribute their symptoms to “aging” or “genetics” and are often amazed when they begin to see changes by doing simple things in their lives.  Even though age and genetics do have an effect on our bodies, providing proper nutrients, removing food intolerances, and improving neurologic integrity we can see some amazing changes!

The most common symptoms that patients report in my office include: cramping, infertility, weight loss, ADHD, TMJ pain, eczema, acne, fibromyalgia, constipation, PMS, bleeding gums, menstruation problems, fatigue, depression, joint pain, fever, flu, headaches, low sex drive, high cholesterol, nocturnal urination, numbness, hot flashes, tingling, and complications from surgery.

As you can see, symptoms come in all shapes and sizes but help us to know that we need to change something before a bigger problem comes by.  I encourage you to reflect on your health daily, and evaluate the health status that you currently have.  Do you have any of the symptoms listed above? Others?  Are you as healthy as you think?

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Hayden I love how you have taken a thoughtful caring and holistic approach to help me gain a healthy cycle for my hormones back again so that I am not having hot flashes like I use to (the kind that make you want to rip people's heads off)and I am sleeping better.
