Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quantum Neurology and Low Level Light Therapy - How Light Affects Your Symptoms

Quantum Neurology is the functional application of neurologic rehabilitation.  Every tissue in or body is influenced through the nervous system, and a symptom could result from a miscommunication of the nervous system and that specific tissue.  Quantum Neurology incorporates light therapy when rehabilitating the neurological miscommunication associated with a variety of symptoms.

Low level lasers and other light emitting diode (LED) devices are common modalities used by a variety of specialties including: dermatology, chiropractic, neurology, veterinary, acupuncture, pain management, and burn centers.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is known by many names. Cold laser therapy, phototherapy, light therapy, and color therapy are the most common. All of these names include treatment from a device that does not burn, cut or injure tissue as a hot laser, or surgery laser would. Light therapy continues to be considered a safe, non-invasive therapeutic modality with minimal risk of side effects, or contraindication.
So far, peer-reviewed research has identified low level light therapy as being able to assist in the following:
  • Stimulate peripheral nerve regeneration
  • Improve vision in patients with macular degeneration
  • Accelerate tissue repair with wound healing
  • Treat exercise-induced mitochondrial dysfunction or skeletal muscular fatigue
  • Improve venous leg ulcers
  • Reduce pain in orthodontics
  • Accelerate bone repair after fracture
  • Promote ATP production in the nervous system
  • Provide a significant long-term functional neurological benefit
The previously mentioned benefits are but a fraction of over 32,000 indexed research papers from the U.S. National Library of Medicine in regards to "laser therapy." Although there is debate as to how low level laser therapy affects our body, many researchers compare the process to photosynthesis in plants. It is generally accepted that the mitochondria (the energy producing part of the cell) is most receptive to the light therapy.
J. T. Eells, et al. from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin, have demonstrated that red light irradiation "has been shown to increase electron transfer in purified cytochrome oxidase, increase mitochondrial respiration and ATP synthesis in isolated mitochondria, and up-regulate cytochrome oxidase activity in cultured neuronal cells."
Additionally, these researchers explain that the mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen may function as a way for the molecules within the cell to communicate more effectively between the mitochondria, cytosol, and nucleus.
Low level light therapy has effectively shown to be safe, non-invasive modality that is beneficial to cellular communication and accelerated healing in a variety of conditions and illnesses.

As Houston's only certified Quantum Neurologist, Dr. Chase Hayden has worked with many patients through light assisted rehabilitation of the nervous system for a variety of complaints.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Chase, CLICK HERE for his contact information.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nutritional Considerations for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Degenerative arthritis consists of the mechanical abnormalities of a particular joint that leads to the decay and break down of the joint cartilage and bone. Degenerative joint disease can be primarily caused by hereditary, developmental inefficiencies, metabolic alterations, and mechanical stresses, and nutritional deficiencies. In many situations, osteoarthritis accompanies other conditions such as diabetes, inflammatory diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lyme's Disease, Gout, etc), obesity, traumatic injury, and blood disorders.

Nutritionally, there are multiple minerals, vitamins and herbs than can give relief for a person that experiences pain and discomfort due to osteoarthritis. Although peer-reviewed literature occasionally demonstrates conflicting results when comparing nutritional and herbal therapies, clinical results prove the overwhelming effectiveness of supporting the natural biological process that is dependent on micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
  • Glucosamine sulfate: Glucosamine sulfate is used to stimulate the rebuilding of damaged cartilage. It is not known to interfere with anti-inflammatory drugs, although some companies process their glucosamine sulfate with sodium chloride which can negatively affect a person's symptoms.
  • Vitamin C - Iron - Alpha-ketoglutaric Acid: These substances are required for hydroxylation of L-proline to L-hydroxyproline which is needed for quality collagen production. Some of the best foods to get these nutrients include chard, spinach, kidney beans, kale, papaya, bell peppers, and broccoli.
  • Manganese: Manganese is a trace mineral that's important for tissue repair including skin, bone and cartilage. Manganese is also important for the natural production of the superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant enzyme. According to Katherine Toye,"Manganese-based SOD helps prevent the deleterious effects of the super oxide free radical from destroying cellular components, and without it, cells are susceptible to damage and inflammation. Immediately after trauma, the body starts coding for more SOD1 to be produced, and repletion of manganese after inflammatory trauma is necessary to keep the free radical defense system in proper working order."
  • Vitamin D and Calcium: Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption in the gut and maintaining calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal mineralization of bone and prevent hypocalcemic tetany (spasms that result from lack of minerals in the blood stream). Vitamin D is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Without enough vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. Vitamin D sufficiency prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Together with calcium, vitamin D also helps protect older adults from osteoporosis.
There are a variety of nutritional factors involved with the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis. A lifestyle and diet that negatively affects the nutritional requirements that bones and joints need will result in accelerated degeneration of the affected tissues. Nutritional requirements work best when found in a nutritional complex and a patient would benefit greatly by incorporating nutritional supplements in a whole food base and not as a single, isolated part.

To schedule a nutritional appointment with Dr. Chase Hayden in regards to the symptoms you are experiencing, please CLICK HERE.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approach to Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is commonly referred to as hearth burn, or acid reflux. Acid reflux results from contents in the stomach (both solids and liquids) leaking backwards from the stomach up into the esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach). These particles of food and liquid irritate the lining of the esophagus which creates burning and sometimes a nauseating sensation.

Heart burn is often the result of the lower esophageal sphincter losing muscle tone which can occur due to aging, obesity, heavy metal exposure, food sensitivities, a hiatal hernia, and/or a functionally slow liver. Occasionally, acid reflux is present with healthy endurance athletes and pregnant women that experience mild spasms of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the main muscle involved in deep breathing, and can affect digestion when it becomes functionally impaired. Symptoms of heartburn are often made worse through lying down after eating, exercise, and certain foods such as chocolate, caffeine, fats, and alcohol.

Diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is often made based on the history of the patient, but if a hiatal hernia is present, diagnoses may be found through x-ray, or a GI endoscopy. Traditional treatment includes is prescription of antacids or OTC H2 antagonists such as Zantac or Tagamet.

Complementary and alternative medicine approaches to acid reflux can include the following:

· Weight loss in patients that are overweight

· Avoid food sensitivities and inflammatory foods such as coffee, alcohol, gluten, casein, chocolate, and poor quality fats/oils

· Chiropractic manipulation of the epigastric region in order stimulate neurologic activity to the lower esophageal sphincter which will increase tone to the musculature

· Nutritional supplementation of zinc and/or beet derived betain HCL

· Herbal detoxification of the liver and gallbladder systems with herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, dandelion, and garlic

· Quantum neurology rehabilitation of the esophageal sphincter through cranial nerve rehabilitation protocols with an emphasis on vagal nerve activation

Do you experience acid reflux? Looking for an alternative to medications? Contact Dr. Chase Hayden, Houston's only certified Quantum Neurologist by clicking HERE to see if his complementary and alternative approach to health care is for you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Epilepsy, Food Sensitivities, and Heavy Metals

November has been selected as "Epilepsy Awareness Month" according to the Center for Disease Control.  This year, their focus is on seizure recognition and first aid. 

There are four main categories of seizures include:
  • Generalized Seizures - affect entire brain
  • Partial Seizures - affect part of the brain
  • Non-Epileptic Seizures - not caused by epilepsy, but other things such as diabetes, fever, etc
  • Status Epilepticus - a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes
Epilepsy affects more than 2 million in the United States, and some patients can experience over 100 seizures in a single day. 

The CDC recommends that a person seek immediate medical care if someone has a seizure that meets any of the following criteria:
  • If the person is pregnant
  • If they injured themselves during the seizure (falls, broken bones, etc)
  • If this is the first time they have had a seizure
  • If the seizure continues more than 5 minutes (Status Epilepticus)
Anything that disturbs the normal pattern of the brain can trigger epilepsy.  Trauma, illness, brain damage, abnormal development, food intolerances, and heavy metal toxicity can all be factors with epileptic patients.  It is estimated that over 75% of patients with epilepsy do not know what is causing their seizure activity.  Patients are generally provided with toxic medications that attempt to alter the seizure activity without identifying the underline cause of the problem.

From a Complementary and Alternative standpoint, I often find that patients are able to reduce the frequency of their seizure activity through dietary modifications and removing heavy metals from the body.  Certain food intolerances such as gluten, caesin, corn, or soy can be a major "triggers" for patients with epilepsy. 

Heavy metal toxicity can induce a myriad of problems in our bodies, from epilepsy, to infertility, dementia, autoimmune diseases, and more.  Once of the most common ways that we experience heavy metal toxicity is through our teeth.  Mercury fillings, gold crowns, and other metals that are placed in our mouth have the ability to "leak" into our bodies and accumulate in various organs, including the brain.  The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has an amazing video in regards to the effects of metal toxicity in our bodies.  Click HERE to view it.

I invite you to share this newsletter with your friends and family, and encourage them to speak to a doctor that can help them with the nutritional, dietary, neurological, and toxic burdens that they are experiencing.
  To contact The Hayden Institute, click HERE.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"The Chiropractor's Creed" a Poem and Philosophical View to Health

While at a friend's office this past week I saw sign on her wall that caught my attention.  This poem, originally found in the book, Chiropractic Thots, was entitled "The Chiropractor's Creed" and was written by Dr. J G Gregorson.  Later, this poem was borrowed by Dr. B.J. Palmer, and made popular under the new title of, "The Truth."

"We Chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the imprisoned impulse -- the tiny rivulet of force -- that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to cells and stirs them into life. We deal with the majestic power that transforms common food into living, loving clay; that robes the earth with beauty, and hues and scents the flowers with the glory of the air." 

"In the dim, dark, distant long ago when the sun first bowed to the morning star, this power spoke and there was life; it quickened the slime of the sea and dust of the earth and drove the cell to union with its fellows in countless living forms. Through eons of time, it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast. Endlessly it worked, evolving its forms until it produced the crowning glory of them all. With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently, relentlessly dissolves the form, and absorbs the spirit into itself again."

"And yet you ask "Can Chiropractic cure appendicitis or the flu?" Have you more faith in a spoonful of medicine than in the power than animates the living world?"

What are your thoughts?

Monday, October 4, 2010

146 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health - Preparing For The Holiday Season

We are nearing that time of year again!  The weather is getting cooler, holiday decorations are slowly making their way from the attic, and soon we will be attending parties and celebrating my favorite 3 months of the year.  Growing up, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were always my favorite holidays because I felt like I was eating for 3 months in a row without stopping.  Even though I still enjoy eating more than I am used to, in my "older and wiser" years I have learned that my body responds better when I prepare myself nutritionally for these upcoming months.  This month's newsletter will hopefully help you to do the same, so that you have the opportunity to avoid the seasonal colds, weight gain, and lack of energy that are so common this time of year.

146 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health

Sugar tastes great!  It stimulates various pleasure centers of the brain, and often triggers certain memories and can affect your mood.  As great as sugar makes us feel in the moment, it also has some devastating effects on our health.  Below is an excerpt from a list by Dr. Nancy Appleton on the effects sugar has on every one of us.
  • Sugar can suppress the immune system.
  • Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
  • Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
  • Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
  • Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases).
  • Sugar reduces high-density lipoproteins (the "good" cholesterol).
  • Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries.
  • Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
  • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Sugar may make eyes more vulnerable to age-related macular degeneration.
  • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
To see the rest of the list, as well as the references, CLICK HERE

What Do We Do About It?

First of all, we should be aware of our state of health.  Are we where we want to be with our weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc? Are we sick? or have cancer? If we are not as healthy as we would like to be, then the best answer is to avoid what is going to make us worse.  It sounds easy enough until someone places a big ol' pumpkin pie with a lot of whipped cream on it in front of me (my favorite in case anyone was wondering.)  Avoidance is defiantly the best option for reducing the effects of sugar on our body.  If it doesn't get in, it cannot hurt us.

Nutritional Support

When I know I will be "cheating" with my normal dietary patterns, I make sure to compensate nutritionally through supplements.  Knowing the effects sugar has on our body helps me to be more prepared nutritionally before I indulge in that pumpkin pie.
  • A-F Betafood (Betafood) - These nutritional supplements assist in carbohydrate (sugar), and lipid (fat) breakdown in the digestive track.  They also help support gallbladder function to reduce acid reflux, heart burn, gas, belching, and waking up at night.
  • Cataplex B /Cataplex G - Cataplex B and G are large spectrum B vitamins as found in whole foods.  B vitamins are needed in order to breakdown sugars, balance blood sugar, and support the pancreas.  They also help with restoring energy and strengthening the adrenal glands.
  • Trace Minerals B12 - This broad spectrum mineral supplement helps to replenish the minerals that are disrupted and displaced from sugar.  Minerals are needed for hormone and neurotransmitter production, as well as health bones and connective tissue.  For example, children that are exposed to too many sugars at an early age, often have teeth that do not grow straight, and develop more cavities.  Sugar displaces minerals in the body.
  • Gymnemia - This is my emergency tool!  This herb can actually make it where you cannot taste sugar.  When I have had more than I should, and cannot stop, I chew one of these up, and for approximately 2-3 hours your taste buds cannot perceive sugar.  (I normally have some in the office for demonstration purposes if you ever want to try it.)
Now that you know what sugar does, and how you can be better prepared when you face it, have a great time getting reading for the best time of the year!  If you have any questions or would like to talk to me more specifically about what we can do to help you with your health goals, my contact information is HERE.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chiropractic, Women's Health, and PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS, is often associated with a wide variety of symptoms that present in a female 5-12 days prior to her menstrual cycle. These symptoms can be physical and/or emotional in nature, and often improve once menstruation begins. In severe cases, PMS can be classified as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). These chronic symptoms disable the woman from accomplishing everyday tasks. It is estimated that over 80% of all women have experienced PMS or PMDD symptoms in their life.

PMS often includes many different physical and emotional symptoms. Below are examples of the many complaints and symptoms associated with PMS.

Physical symptoms include: fatigue, insomnia, changes in libido, acne, hives, cramps, bloating, weight gain, headaches, breast tenderness, swelling in the hands and feet, flu-like symptoms (sore throat, sinus problems, and mild fever), heart palpitation, nausea, dizziness, and fainting.

Emotional symptoms include: mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, confusion, forgetfulness, emotional eating, food cravings (salt, sweet, spices, alcohol, etc), anger, short tempered, frustrated, "emotional rollercoaster," and loss of sex drive.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractic is "a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health." The word chiropractic comes from the Greek words "chiro" meaning "hand" and "praktikós" meaning "concerned with, or done by." Most chiropractic procedures consist of manual therapy, whether from exercises, ultrasound, adjustments (manipulation), massage, etc. Chiropractic doctors have many specialties, and techniques that offer a wide variety of applications to these therapies. Based on the patient's preference, patient's needs, doctor's preference, philosophy, and schooling depends on which therapies will be used.

Doctors of Chiropractic have been trained in the examination, diagnosis and treatment of their patients. In most states, chiropractors are considered primary care physicians, are able to accept insurance, can send for diagnostic tests and recommend nutritional/herbal supplementation. In a few areas, chiropractors can perform minor surgery, prescribe medications, deliver babies, and have hospital privileges.

This is actually a very tough question to answer because it depends largely on two things: 1.) State laws where the chiropractor is located, and 2.) The chiropractor's personal philosophy. In most states, chiropractors are able to treat any neuromusculoskeletal condition (neuro = nerve, musculo = muscle, skeletal = bone) in any part of the body, although some states are more restrictive than others. Many chiropractors also have extensive knowledge in nutrition, pediatrics, physiotherapeutic modalities, exercise rehabilitation, and neurology. Chiropractic philosophy is the second major factor in determining what chiropractors treat. Originally, chiropractic adjustments were given to reduce the pressure on a nerve from a bone being out of place (an example often used is a water hose with someone crimping it, not allowing water to flow through properly). Throughout the years of chiropractic, not everyone has agreed with this principle and now some chiropractors only focus on the biomechanics of posture and restricted motion, disregarding a potential effect on the nerve being "pressed." Due to controversial philosophy, some chiropractors only see patients with neck pain, back pain, and headaches while others believe they can create a positive change in the body no matter the condition as long as they can remove or reduce the interference from the nerve being affected.

It is well understood that nerves come out between the vertebrae of the human spine, and then branch off to perform various functions. Different branches of these nerves will communicate with different areas of the body. The nerves that come out of the lower portions of the back (lumbar and sacral nerves) form a web of connections known as the lumbosacral plexus.

Chiropractors evaluate the biomechanics and neurological status of the lumbar and sacral area through many of the following techniques: static palpation, motion palpation, orthopedic tests, muscle strength tests, leg length differences, deep tendon reflexes, sensation testing, patient history, etc. Some chiropractors will also request an x-ray (or other advanced imaging such as CT scans, MRIs, etc.) of the affected area to rule out underline pathological causes to the positive findings they encounter.

After the examination, if the patient's symptoms are within the scope of practice of the doctor, the doctor of chiropractic will begin therapeutic procedures to reduce the symptoms of the area, and attempt to normalize the biomechanical and neurological integrity of the affected joints and nerves. This often includes gentle chiropractic adjustments (manipulation) to the restricted spinal vertebrae, and can include ice/heat packs, ultrasound, massage, electrical stimulation, low level light (laser) therapy and traction. As the patient improves, most doctors will begin to transition the patients into active rehabilitation to support the area, in order to ensure strength and stability to the area. Nutritional supplementation, diet modification, and additional exercises are usually discussed as well as the patient is progressing through the treatment plan.

Research from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (May 1999) indicates that women with PMS symptoms experience significantly more muscle tenderness in the low back, muscle weakness, and positive orthopedic findings of the low back. The report concluded, "A relatively high incidence of spinal dysfunction exists in PMS sufferers compared with a comparable group of non-PMS sufferers. This is suggestive that spinal dysfunction could be a causative factor in PMS and that chiropractic manipulative therapy may offer an alternative therapeutic approach for PMS sufferers." Patients and chiropractors often report a decline in PMS symptoms including back pain, bloating, cramping, and loss of energy.

Further studies are needed to further correlate the association between chiropractic as an alternative treatment to be used with women experiencing PMS. Even with the lack of peer reviewed research, many women and doctors attribute the reduction of their PMS symptoms to the assistance their chiropractor provided.  Have further questions and PMS and chiropractic?  Contact Dr. Chase Hayden to schedule a time to discuss your concerns with him by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Imbalance, and Teflon?

When was the last time that you were able to wake up and get going with out your morning cup of coffee?  The last time you didn't crave that nap after lunch?  Were able to finish work, go grocery shopping, take the kids to soccer practice, clean the house, and finish up those other errands without wondering why you are always so tired?

Chronic fatigue is the second most common reason that people visit their doctors, with some reports claiming that 80% of all patients report fatigue as one of their primary symptoms.  These patients often seek the assistance of caffeine containing stimulants such as coffee, soda, and energy drinks to get them through the day.  Day after day, night after night, they are unable to keep up with the stressful demands of their hectic schedules.  Does this sound like you or someone you know?

The thyroid is a small hormone gland located in the front of the neck below the "Adam's Apple."  This gland plays a vital role in hormone function through out the entire body.  The thyroid works hand in hand with the other hormone secreting glands in the body such as the adrenals, pituitary, and ovaries/testes to activate and deactivate specific functions.  One of the primary functions of the thyroid gland is to regulate metabolism.

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction often include fatigue, weight problems, excess sweating, weakness, always hot/cold, thinning hair, weak and brittle nails, muscle and joint pain, women's hormone complains (PMS, infertility, menopausal symptoms, etc), bowel problems, cholesterol imbalance, depression, and more.  Women are more likely to have a thyroid imbalance and some researchers estimate that over 59 million Americans have a thyroid problem and do not even know it.

West Virginia University recently studied 69,000 people in West Virginia and Ohio and reported that a chemical commonly found in Teflon, food wrappers, and dozens of other products (including tap water) known as Perflurooctanoic Acid, PFOA, or C8 may harm the immune system, liver and thyroid and cause higher cholesterol in children.  Key points from the WVU C8 Health Project include: 

  • In animal studies, PFOA exposure has previously been linked with death of immune cells and weakening of the body’s ability to protect itself from infection. The WVU study indicates higher levels of PFOA in people correlate with lower levels of a protein that helps the body fight bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
  • Higher PFOA levels in West Virginia and Ohio residents are associated with higher levels of two enzymes that can indicate liver damage, and with lower levels of a liver protein that is an important part of the body’s defense against infection.
  • Elevated PFOA levels in children are associated with high cholesterol levels, predisposing children to future weight problems and accompanying risk of heart disease. In animal studies, early exposure to PFOA results in obesity later in life. Click here for more.
  • Thyroid function was clearly affected in PFOA-exposed people, with the effect strongest at moderate levels of exposure, rather than the highest exposures.
Through the use of blood tests, saliva tests, a complete patient history, and physical exam we are able to identify if the thyroid is contributing to the fatigue that you or your loved ones are experiencing.  After we have identified the problem, we help our patients to find the solution they need to correct the imbalance.  From nutritional supplementation, diet modification, chiropractic adjustments, quantum neurology rehabilitation, or removing the chemical pollutants, we pick from a variety of tools to help our patients to find relief from their symptoms.  If you have any questions about the symptoms you are experiencing, or would like to contact Dr. Chase Hayden to schedule an appointment, please click HERE.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries

Many experts agree that the nervous system is the most important system in your body.  Beginning at the 3rd week of gestation, the brain and spinal cord begin development before any other organ system, followed closely by the heart.

As the brain and spinal cord are developing, they are subject to many injuries both nutritionally (folic acid deficiency, alcohol, etc) and structurally (trauma, etc).  After birth, it is estimated that the child's brain will have twice as many nerve connections as an adult by age three and later reach approximately 75% of its full size by age six.

Due to the importance of this vital system, our body's create a "shell" to support and protect the nervous system.  Our skull and spinal cord protect the life supporting nervous system through out our whole lives.

Brain and spinal cord injuries disrupt the function of the nervous system, and create many symptoms through out the rest of our body.  Nervous system injuries come in many shapes and sizes such as strokes, concussions, sports injuries, whiplash, tumors, pinched nerves and aneurysms.

As Houston's only Quantum Neurologist, I often have patients that come in seeking relief from the injuries that they have sustained.  It is not uncommon to hear that patients have gone to many doctors before coming to our office, and were unable to achieve the level of wellness they were looking for.

Quantum Neurology focuses on the functional rehabilitation of the nervous system.  Through traditional and unique neurological evaluations, we are able to identify weaknesses specific to your injury, illness or condition, and in many situations we are able to see rehabilitative changes after the first visit.  Together, with your other doctors, we can often provide the assistance you need to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Be kind to your nervous system.. it is the only one you have!  For more information visit our office website HERE.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

I hope this email finds you well after a great 4th of July.  We are currently on day 5 of our 21 day "Ultimate Detox Program" in the office.  I have received great emails from patients that are already experiencing weight loss and feeling a change in the way that their cloths are fitting them.  This after only 5 days!  For those of you wondering about  the "Ultimate Detox Program," it is a program where I invite all of the patients in the office to detox with me twice a year (January and July). During the detox program, we follow a specific dietary regimen, take certain detoxifying nutritional supplements, and incorporate a gentle exercise program with the goal of whole body detoxification.  Many patients do this as a healthy weight loss program while others do it for other health promoting reasons.  I have had patients loose anywhere between 7 and 35 lbs in only 21 days!  If you are on the program, keep up the good work!  If not, you are invited to participate at any time.  (Patients are always invited to participate even if the office is not cleansing that month.)

As many of you are aware, I am often invited to speak at various events from wellness groups, to health clubs, support groups, church gatherings, and professional organizations.  These lectures often provide holistic alternatives to health and wellness that the audience can use to improve the lives of their families.  If you are looking for a speaker at your next event, or know someone that is, feel free to contact me.  Below are some of the events that I will be speaking at in the next few months.  Whether you have heard me lecture before or not, you are invited to come out and participate to these events.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Yours In Health,
Chase Hayden, DC, QN
The Hayden Institute

July 13, 2010 @ 10:00 - Business At A Higher Level
I have been invited by Sara Blumenfeld, author of "Nurturing Networker: Business Networking That Matters" to discuss the neurological aspect to business growth at her upcoming development workshop.  I will be discussing simple ways to identify and strengthen the neurologic hiccups that limit optimal communication and what you can do to turn these weaknesses into strengths.  These are the same concepts that I use when working with professional and amateur athletes looking to improve their function and children with dyslexia, autism, ADHD, etc.  To find out more about this all day event, CLICK HERE.

July 19, 2010 @ 3:00pm - Tough Talk With Tony Gambone
Tony Gambone interviews small business owners throughout Houston on his radio show.  During this interview, he helps his listeners to find out more about the person behind the business.  Ever wanted to know about Dr. Chase?  Here is your chance!  This hour long interview will help you to know who Dr. Chase really is, and why he does what he does.  For more information about other business owners that Tony has interviewed, CLICK HERE.

August 17, 2010 @ 11:30 - Tomball Business & Professional Women
Join 40+ professional women and Dr. Chase as he lectures on natural ways to balance female hormones.  Hot flashes, brain fog, difficulty losing weight, PMS, infertility, and other female complaints often indicate a nutritional imbalance in the body.  Dr. Chase will help you to identify these imbalances and then begin to address them.  Check out TBPW HERE.

August 18, 2010 @ 12:00 - Tomball Rotary Club
One of the oldest service organizations in existence, the Rotary Club unites individuals for the greater good of others.  Tomball is the second Rotary Club to invite Dr. Chase out to speak to their organization.  Dr. Chase will be discussing the global effects of stress, what it does in your body, and how you can reduce the effects of stress in a few easy steps.  More information on the Tomball Rotary Club can be found HERE.

We look forward to seeing you at one of these events!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Creating A Nutritional First Aid Kit - Part 2

Earlier this month, we discussed the importance of creating and maintaining a "Nutritional First Aid Kit."  The focus of the first newsletter centered on fevers and how you can utilize nutritional products such as Calcium Lactate and Sesame Seed Oil to support the body's natural fever regulating mechanism.  Part two of this newsletter series will focus on blood loss.

My wife and I have a large bottle of unopened CHLOROPHYLL COMPLEX in our "Nutritional First Aid Kit" in our home, and we even take this product with us when we go on vacation in case of emergency.  Chlorophyll is the portion of the plant that gives it a green color.  It is also used in photosynthesis where in the plant creates cellular energy from sunlight.  Chlorophyll is often referred to as the "blood" of the plant.  Chlorophyll and hemoglobin (a major substance in human blood that carries oxygen throughout our body) both have what is known as a porphyrin ring.  In chlorophyll, the center of the porphyrin ring contains magnesium, while in hemoglobin, the center of the ring contains iron.

In 1934, Dr. Rothemund and his colleagues reported that the porphyrins from chlorophyll could stimulate the synthesis of red blood cells in a variety of animals.  Drs. Hughes and Latner fed several doses and forms of chlorophyll to anemic rabbits in 1936. Extremely small doses of purified chlorophyll or large doses of "a crude chlorophyll extract" produced "a very favorable effect on hemoglobin regeneration". They suggested that "the chlorophyll is acting as a physiological stimulant of the bone marrow and is not really concerned with the actual chemistry of regeneration of the porphyrin." This means that components of chlorophyll found in foods or when fed in very small purified amounts may stimulate the synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

To claim that chlorophyll and hemoglobin are directly interchangeable is a large oversimplification the relationship between these two substances, but having chlorophyll available in an emergency situation can play an important roll in a person that is experiencing blood loss.  For this reason, we have a bottle of CHLOROPHYLL COMPLEX in our "Nutritional First Aid Kit" and are grateful that it remains unopened.

Nutritional Pearl: Chlorophyll in conjunction with iron supplements helps to reduce iron deficiency anemia more efficiently than iron supplements alone!

Friday, June 11, 2010

We're A Favorite Place on Google!

The Hayden Institute was recently recognized by as being a “Favorite Place on Google!”   As part of this recognition, Google sent a nice letter congratulating us for the services that we offer and the growth and activity that our business had made in our community.  According to Google, we were "one of less than 250,000 businesses in the U.S. to receive this recognition; that is less than 1% of all U.S. businesses!"

Google has also supplied a QR Code (black and white barcode) for our office to use which will allow people to check us out via their smart phones.  By scanning this code, you can pull up directions to our office, see patient reviews, and find out more about our office.

In honor of being a "Favorite Place," we are offering a $25 coupon for your next office visit if you go
HERE (or click the QR code) and write a review of our office.  Please be honest with your comments (good/bad/etc) so that future patients will benefit from what you have to say. 

Thank you for your time and reviews!
-Dr. Chase Hayden

P.S. If you have a smart phone, try scanning the QR code with your barcode application.  It still blows me away that phones can do this now days!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Creating A Nutritional First Aid Kit - Part 1

When it comes to nutritional supplementation, most people think of prevention or long term use to provide relief for the symptoms that they are experiencing – this is not the only application of nutrition!  In my practice, I often have parents and patients ask what they can do in “emergency situations” while still following a holistic approach to the problem.  Since “emergency situations” vary greatly from case to case, the following information should not be used to treat any specific condition, and you should always consult a licensed medical provider when a critical situation arises. 

In my home, my wife and I use the information that will be found in this newsletter, and we have a “medicine cabinet” which we use as our “Nutritional First Aid Kit.”  We have used the following recommendations with our children, on our patients, and in our lives.  My sincere hope is that you will be able to use nutrition to change the life of those you love as we have been able to do in our own families.

Our Nutritional First Aid Kit contains the following items: Calcium Lactate, Sesame Seed Oil, Antronex, Chlorophyll Complex, Congaplex, Thymex, Cataplex AC, Min-Tran, and Intestinal Cleanse #3.  The newsletters of the next few months will focus on the benefit of using concentrated whole food nutrition for specific “emergency situations.” 

Fevers and Children and Adults: 

As a parent, a sick child with an elevated temperature can be heart wrenching.  Whether the child is a few hours old to their teenage years, we do not want them to suffer.  When a fever is present, we have multiple questions and options to think about.  Do we really want to stop the natural reaction of the fever? How high is too high for a fever?  What do we do?  Children’s strength Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen both act as pain relievers and fever reducers but can be lethal in the wrong dose (Click here for dosing.) and have recently had various large spectrum recalls of certain products.  Avoid Aspirin with children. 

In my opinion, fevers are a good thing and should not be prevented in most cases.  A fever is the body’s natural response and happens for a reason.  When the body’s temperature increases, it allows the immune system to more efficiently neutralize the immune burden.  Calcium supplementation with a feverous child often produces amazing results.  Teething children, fevers that won’t break, and the restlessness associated with fever usually respond well.  After experimenting with numerous types of calcium supplements, I strongly encourage my patients to AVOID Calcium Carbonate, and use CALCIUM LACTATE with childhood fevers.

With children (and adults) that do not respond to CALCIUM LACTATE, my Nutritional First Aid Kit contains SESAME SEED OIL from Standard Process.  Sesame seed oil contains torulitine which is used to strengthen the blood.  When a fever lingers after supplementing with Calcium Lactate, adding Sesame Seed Oil often creates an optimal environment within the blood for the body's natural immune system to take care of the problem, leading to a non-toxic solution to control the increased temperature.

When you or your child have a fever, contact your natural health care provider to see if your personal Nutritional First Aid Kit is a good alternative.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Essential Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, and Carbohydrates

When it comes to biology, the word “essential” means that the substance must come from diet and cannot be made from  within the organism.  In humans, we must eat certain things in order to remain healthy.

The book Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, explains that the currently established human essential nutrients are water, energy (calories), amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine), essential fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids), vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes, and ultratrace minerals.

Note the absence of specific carbohydrates from this list.

Throughout medical history, specific diseases and conditions have been attributed to deficiencies of the aforementioned nutrients.  For example, certain vitamin deficiencies include scurvy, beriberi, and rickets.  Protein (amino acid) deficiencies include marasmus and kwashiorkor.

Today, it is rare to see an official diagnosis of a nutritional  deficiency, yet from a functional standpoint many of us are starving!

Americans today are over fed and undernourished.  This comes from a diet high in carbohydrates, artificial sugars, and preservatives.

Many of our health complaints will greatly improve as our carbohydrate intake is reduced.  Reducing     carbohydrates does not mean we will be deficient in energy or nutrition because fruits and vegetables have naturally occurring carbohydrates in them.  Our bodies also create carbohydrates from fats and proteins when specific sugars are needed.

Looking to improve your health and wellness?  Want to shed a few extra pounds? Lower your cholesterol or blood pressure?  Diet modification is a great first step. 

I challenge you to greatly reduce or eliminate the large sources of carbohydrates in your diet this month and see what changes happen to you.  The main sources of carbohydrates come in the form of grains (breads, pastas, beer, pastries, cakes), potatoes, rice, soda, candy and sugar.

** Helpful hints **

Pasta: Use spaghetti squash, or veggie noodles.
Bread: Make a lettuce wrap instead of a sandwich.
Sweets: Eat some fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Sweeteners: Stevia, Honey and Agave are much better alternatives to table sugar or any artificial sweetener.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stress and Early Menopause

Stress comes in many shapes and sizes, and may not even be perceived as stress at all. According to Dr. Evan Mladenoff, “Stress is an ignorant state of mind that believes everything is an emergency.” Stress does not have to produce anxiety or even be perceived consciously before your internal organs believe there is an emergency situation. There are forms of “good” stress like marriage, responsibility, competition, dating, and child birth as well as “bad” forms such as financial insecurity, violence, unemployment, low self esteem, and death. In actuality, our body does not associate stress as “good” or “bad,” but reacts the same way whether the stress is physical, chemical, or emotional. Our bodies were built to respond to stress and do so very well, but as stress becomes chronic (continual) the stress regulating parts of the body begin to fatigue, and no longer work as well as intended. These sluggish stress regulators make it harder for your body to stay healthy.

Stress (whether emotional, chemical, or physical) is processed in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus sends a message to the anterior pituitary gland which is a small gland in the brain that helps regulate all of your hormones. As the pituitary gland secrets hormones in the blood signaling stress, another gland called the adrenal gland responds by secreting cortisol.

Cortisol is designed to control the body’s response to stress by stimulating the body to calm down. When there is to much cortisol production, or a chronic situation where cortisol is released over a long period of time, side effects occur. Many of these symptoms include disrupted sleep, poor digestion, weight gain, poor memory, and more.

As a woman, chronic cortisol secretion can contribute to menstrual disorders. High cortisol levels can lead to amenorrhea (stop menstruation), similar to heavy exercise. Excess cortisol creates a faster removal (conversion) of another hormone known as progesterone. As progesterone and estrogen become out of balance, and a woman nears menopausal age, her body often creates numerous symptoms of accelerated hormonal transition. Many women often report vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, weight gain, interrupted sleep, memory problems, heaviness in the bladder, and hot flashes as their hormones become out of balance.

The good news is, as we reduce stress through diet modification, nutritional supplementation, and light exercise we can balance cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone. In this manner, many women find relief to menopausal symptoms without resorting to drugs or surgery. As a woman transitions from an adolescent, through child bearing and later into mature womanhood, she should not have to suffer from hormonal imbalances and symptoms. Balancing cortisol is one of the many tools we have to help these transition stages to be pleasant throughout a woman’s life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are We As Healthy As We Think?

Our body’s are amazing creations.  Whether you feel we were placed on this earth intentionally, or that we have evolved over millions of years to become what we are today, it is hard to ignore how intricately the parts of our body work together, and how intelligent our body is in warning us of potential problems.

According to Dictionary.com, symptoms are a phenomenon that arises from and accompanies a particular disease or disorder and serves as an indication of it .  With this in mind, it is important to know what our bodies are telling us.  Unfortunately, most of us are not trained in recognizing these symptoms, or do not  realize that our body is even telling us something!

The good news is we want these symptoms!  They give us warning (if we know how to recognize it) in order for us to prevent bigger problems from happening.
Cardio360.com reports that 33% of those without any prior symptoms of heart disease DIE from their first heart attack. Unfortunately for these heart attack victims, they probably did not  recognize the   warning signs that their body was giving them, and their “first” symptom was death.

As many of you know, many of my patients are women that experience hormonal imbalance in their lives.  When I ask women in my office if they experience: hot flashes, dry skin, weight gain, interrupted sleep, loss of sex drive, vaginal dryness, etc. I am able to categorize these symptoms into certain patterns and give healthy alternative solutions through dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, and quantum neurology rehabilitation in order to help the woman’s body to naturally resolve the presenting symptoms.
Many patients contribute their symptoms to “aging” or “genetics” and are often amazed when they begin to see changes by doing simple things in their lives.  Even though age and genetics do have an effect on our bodies, providing proper nutrients, removing food intolerances, and improving neurologic integrity we can see some amazing changes!

The most common symptoms that patients report in my office include: cramping, infertility, weight loss, ADHD, TMJ pain, eczema, acne, fibromyalgia, constipation, PMS, bleeding gums, menstruation problems, fatigue, depression, joint pain, fever, flu, headaches, low sex drive, high cholesterol, nocturnal urination, numbness, hot flashes, tingling, and complications from surgery.

As you can see, symptoms come in all shapes and sizes but help us to know that we need to change something before a bigger problem comes by.  I encourage you to reflect on your health daily, and evaluate the health status that you currently have.  Do you have any of the symptoms listed above? Others?  Are you as healthy as you think?